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October 10-11, 2024

9:00 AM 4:00 PM


Dr. Craig Blomberg


"The Fulfillment of the Hopes of Israel and the World: A Study in the Gospel of Matthew"

at Kennewick Baptist Church

2425 W Albany AV

Kennewick  WA


Craig Blomberg has been part of the faculty of Denver Seminary since 1986 and is currently Professor Emeritus of New Testament. He has written or edited over 30 books on the New Testament including a two volume New Testament Introduction and Survey and commentaries on Matthew, 1 Corinthians and James. Those who have read his books or journal articles have appreciated not only his academic work, but also his insight into the practical aspects of being a follower of Jesus Christ.

The cost for registration is $100.

Box lunches will be available for $15 each day for those who plan to have lunch at the conference facility.

Lunch will include salad and gluten free options that you can select when registering.


Included in the registration is a pre-order of a new edition of Dr. Blomberg's commentary on Matthew that is scheduled for publication in December​. Ezra Bible Institute will contact you when your copy is available.


To register and pay with a credit card or PayPal:

Conference Only

Conference + Lunch Both Days

Registrations that include lunch will be available only through October 6.

To register and pay by check or if you have questions about the conference, contact Ezra Bible Institute via email:

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