Ezra Bible Institute
October 13-14, 2022
9:00 AM 4:00 PM
Dr. Tom Schreiner
"Galatians: The Good News of Freedom"
at Kennewick Baptist Church
2425 W Albany AV
Kennewick WA
Thomas R. Schreiner is professor of New Testament at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He will be speaking on the Epistle to the Galatians. The seminar should be helpful for all who desire to understand and teach or preach Galatians, including local church pastors, teachers and leaders or anyone looking for a deeper understanding of this New Testament letter.
The cost for registration is $100.
Box lunches will be available for $10 each day for those who plan to have lunch at the conference facility.
Lunch will include vegan and gluten free options that you can select when registering.
The first 50 registrants will get a copy of Dr. Schreiner's commentary on Galatians.
To register and pay with a credit card or Paypal:
Conference Only
Conference + Lunch Both Days
Registrations that include lunch will be available only through October 8.